It has been a while since I posted. Blogging takes discipline and creativity. I will try to ramp up these in the future for both of my readers. I thought I might just post some stuff that is going on with the Watson's and GracePointe Church (our family).
* Our kids at GPC held a spaghetti dinner last night to raise funds to payoff the debt for renovating GPC Village. They raised $558 from tips. They served us with a Christ-like attitude. It was great.
* Two weeks ago I asked the church to give money towards our food pantry which needed $750 to cover costs for food boxes and to give $40 to help a local hispanic man trying to get a landscaping business going by paying to get him some professional looking business cards. He had only handwritten cards. I asked them to pray at the beginning of the worship service what God would have them give and place it in our HOPE Box. The church responded to the Spirit's leading and gave $800.75. It was just a little more than the exact amount we needed. Way cool!!!
* GPC Men's Softball team has finally got a win streak going. We have won 2 in a row after dropping four in a row. We won Tuesday 11-7. Thanks to Matt Baker who has done a tremendous job leading the team. Our record is 3-4, I think. We play tonight @ 8PM.
* We have six people going through our 201 class.
* We are planning to baptize five children on June 3 at our baptism service. That's awesome!!
That's a little bit of the happenings.