Tuesday, December 11, 2007

When A Tree Falls

I was thinking about my post from last week. I have less than 2.3 readers. I have one faithful reader. My good friend Kevin Ingram.

Anyway...you know that old saying that asks "When a tree falls in the forest and no one is there, does it make a sound?" I was thinking about this...When a blogger blogs and no one reads it, does it have meaning?

What do you think?



Anonymous said...

I think even if nobody in the world is reading, God is still listening and reading. He is probably laughing at our ignorance. Laughing because we look for entries and site hits when in fact the message is getting out in so many other ways.
Bible Study
Prayer Time
Christmas plays
Mission trips
Worship Music
and so on and so on..

I say keep blogging. it is a great way to share with the 1 person or the 2.3 million people out there that are still afraid of the "church". God is probably laughing at thier ignorance too. It is also a great way to see your thoughts written out and bounce new ideas, scripture questions and outreach opprotunities off of other people.

We are blessed to live in a time where information is 2 mouse clicks away and at the same time garbage and chaos are 2 mouse clicks away as well. We need more safe havens on the www so keep it up...the readers are out there.

Chris said...

That's good word. I think I will keep blogging.

Anonymous said...

Well Brother Chris this is my take on your question about a blogger and his blogging. The author of any type of media actually establishes "meaning". The recipients would establish "understanding". Your thoughts taken to blogging are very meaningful. The Word of God is meaningful-apart from understanding. What a wonderful Author. Since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses-remember the Hosts of Heaven are peering over your shoulder every time you take to the blog waves.
Your Friend,
Gary Horton

Anonymous said...

Well anything you say, whether blogging or otherwise, if read by one or many, can drastically impact a life. I remember when the Lord opened my eyes to the weight of glory (explained by you) about five years ago. I can't count how many times I have shared that story and hopefully through the Lord's will it has changed lives just as it changed mine.

Anonymous said...

This is great info to know.