Monday, March 31, 2008


I apologize for not blogging for a couple of months. Both of my readers have been really upset with me over my lack of discipline.

My thought for today is about what gets you energized. There are two options. Some people are energized by being with people. Other people are energized by being alone. If you are energized by being with people then you are a person who is exergized. If you are energized by being alone then you are innergized. I am not sure who coined these terms, but I like them a lot. I first came across them in my search for a new ministry opportunity. I took some personality tests and came to find that I am exergized.

A broader definition of exergized is that I get my energy from being with others. I think about things by discussing them with others. I need to share ideas and problem solve with others. In order to re-charge my batteries, I need time with people.

Those who are innergized are those who re-charge by being alone. They need time to internally reflect and process life. They need their office door closed. They need quiet time.

If you know me then you can easily guess how I get re-charged. My score was 93 out of 100 percent in my need for social interaction. It is really high. It's the reason my office door is rarely closed. It is why I like vacations with people. I don't like to be alone. The thought of being alone for extended period of time is burdensome to me. Many pastors will say to me that you need to go on week long sabbatical where you are all alone. They do this and love it. I do it and feel like I am dying on the inside.

What about you?


homewith3 said...

I think I might be somewhere in between...then again, I think I lean a little towards being innergized - 70/30 maybe? (With this much confusion from self-talk, you can probably tell I greatly benefit from having 'quiet time' to sort out life in general!)

Chris said...

My guess is that most people are innergized. I think 2 out 3 of my children are innergized.

Anonymous said...


I completely understand how you feel. I enjoy time alone, but for the majority of my life I need to be around people. I think Jesus spent His life that way. There were times when He would be alone with God,(just as we should) but He loved people and surrounded Himself with companionship. I wonder how we can really serve God if we do not love people? Didn't God make us to desire companionship? I remember going to Turkey several years ago on a cruise ship and on the way we passed an Island that was only occupied by Monks. Now they spent time together I'm sure, but the majority of their life was spent in prayer and solitude. I commented to a friend how could they live life that way,(meaning they must be miserable). He quickly explained to me that they could have a life filled with satifaction. And that was their call from God. In other words, Gods people are made up of all kinds of different personalities and calls. So,not everyone is like me. (Thank God)
