I don't know if you have ever done a one word Bible Study, but it can be a very fruitful exercise. I thought I would do one on my blog and you (all 2.5 of you) can chime in as well.
The first word in 1 Corinthians 10:31 is "So". It means to do something properly and purposefully. Paul has been telling the believers at Corinth how to deal with debatable issues and how to fellowship with both believers and unbelievers. He gives this guiding principle for how to navigate relationships and difficulties.
So in this case means that I should do like Paul says. I should eat and drink on purpose. And what is my purpose...It is to glorify God. I do that by giving thought to how eat and interact with people SO that I display God's greatness in all things, even mundane everyday stuff like eating.
Chronicles 16:34
I honestly think our secular influences have corrupted this one word. We intend it to mean "what will _______(mom, dad, government etc....) give to me today. Instead of what can I "give". As I look around, I see more and more people not as interested in what they can give. And if they do give, it is always with an expected return.
What was Paul's motivation? How much of his time/thoughts/life did he "give" in his teachings? What did Jesus "Give"? I like this word and think it needs much more study from the proper perspective.
Since I havn't responded in a while I want to cover responses to your last two post. 1st to the word "SO". It seems to me that Paul wanted to get personal with people. He uses SO again at the end of the chapter. "so that they may be saved." Isn't that the bottom line? So, I believe in order for someone to trust us to share the gospel in a way they can "believe" we must be personal with them. I think this is what Paul thought. His end motive was for people to receive the love of Christ in salvation. But in order for that to happen we must build trust with each other. Around the dinner table is a great way to do that. When you eat with someone or have them over for a meal you are allowing them in your personal space. I think this is the key to building trust with people. And I think people know if you are allowing them in your personal space or not. So, the thing I have to ask myself is, do I care enough about the lost to share my personal space with them? My response is Lord help me have a burden for the lost. 2nd, what do I love about my church? The word I would use is "Fresh". I love the fact that you and Blake try to create a fresh oppourtunity for worship each week. That is a rare thing in churches today. It takes alot of work and you guys are willing to put in the efforts to make it happen. The other thing I love about my church is the willingness to do outreach work. Outreach is the reason we came and we have not been dissapointed. This again seems to be a rare thing. GP has a deep desire for the less fortunate. This is touching to me. I'm proud to be part of group of believers that have a heart felt concern for others. This was evident Sunday, when every box for the food project was picked up. That's what I'm talking about!!!!!!! These are just a couple of things I love about GPC.
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