Monday, December 15, 2008

Dig A Little Deeper

I am reading a book called "Outliers" by Malcolm Gladwell. It is an interesting read about how people become successful. One section I was reading this morning was about a woman who spent 22 minutes figuring out one math problem. Most of us would have quit seeking to solve the problem after a few minutes, but this woman was not to be deterred. She did the hard work and solved the problem.

I think it's like that with Bible study. We give up too quickly when we don't get the immediate gratification of understanding a text from a cursory reading. If we would dig deep into the Word like this lady solving a math problem we might just find a great treasure for our souls.

Imagine that you are digging for a buried treasure. You dig about two feet deep and you don't find anything. So, you give up. A little later, someone starts digging in your hole and to your surprise they find a treasure chest about two inches deeper than where you quit. That would stink. I think that's what happens to us sometimes. We give up too soon and miss out on what could be ours.

Solomon said it like this in Proverbs 25:2, "It is the glory of God to conceal a matter; to search a matter out is the glory of kings."

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