Unless you have been hiding under a rock recently, you are aware that Alex Rodriguez (A-Rod) of the New York Yankees admitted to using steroids a couple of weeks ago. One of the responses to this story that I find fascinating is how many people say that he would have never confessed had he not gotten caught. I say, "Well, duh!"
The truth is that most of us never admit we have done wrong until we get caught. It's part of our bent toward sin. We sin and cover it up. Adam and Eve did it. King David did it. A-Rod did it. And we all do it. I think it just makes people feel better when they act as if they are morally upright rather than be quick to confess and thus be exposed. The vast majority of us, if we are
honest and we are not, sin and cover up. What we don't like about A-Rod is true of us. We know it's wrong, but we will never own up to it. It would have been better for A-Rod if he would have confessed sooner. It is better for
us as well.
Proverbs 28:13 says: "He who conceals his sin does not prosper, but whoever confesses and renounces them finds mercy."
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