- Trish passed the GACE. She will be a teacher next year if the Lord grants her a position at Indian Creek.
- Connor's baseball team (GracePointe) is still undefeated. We won Monday 6-2 over McCrae's Pharmacy. Connor had a good game at the plate.
- We got rained out last night for baseball, t-ball and softball.
- AC has been out at home since Saturday night. It should be restored today if the rain will hold off. We have a freon leak.
- Caleb passed the test and will now be in the Quest program (gifted or something like that).
- Our mission team is planning our backpacking to school project for the end of July. We will provide backpacks with school supplies to every student at Broxton Elementary School. Most of the kids that attend this school live in poverty.
- The Catalyst Conference is coming up in October. I am really looking forward to it this year. The line up of speakers is great. Check it out at www.catalystconference.com.
- Our GracePointe kids served a spaghetti supper last Wednesday to raise money for GPC Village. They brought in $559. Awesome job.
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