Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Father's Day Message

This past Sunday I spoke to the fathers at church about giving their children something more than physical things. The sermon was from Mark 2:9-11. I focused on the words of the Father to Jesus Christ the Son. In verse 11, God the Father said to the Son, "You are my Son whom I love; with you I am well pleased."

God is the perfect Father and we can learn a lot about what to give our kids by these words. This relationship between Jesus and His Father is holy and healthy. It is the perfect model. Give them
  1. Connection - "You are my Son" - Our kids need to hear and feel like they belong. We all long to belong. Connect them to God, family and the church.
  2. Affection - "whom I love" - Our kids need to hear and feel our love. Don't assume they know it. Go ahead and say it.
  3. Affirmation - "with you I am well pleased" - Our kids need correction, but they need affirmation is well. Let's be as quick to affirm them as we are to correct them. We all repeat what is rewarded.

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