Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Key Ingredients

There are a lot of things that go into the ingredients that make good Diet Mountain Dew muffins. I learned this during our first annual "Stud Muffin Competition" this month. (just in case you don't know... the Stud Muffin Competition is a muffin making/baking competition between the men in our church for breakfast/brunch in July.) My offering was Diet Mountain Dew muffins. They got me into a tie for second place and also in the worst muffin category. The worst muffin votes came from a poor presentation. They were falling apart. They looked liked they had been dropped on the floor, but they had a great taste. Anyway...

It takes many ingredients to make these fabulous muffins. It takes many good ingredients to make a good church as well. One of the key ingredients to a great church is having people who are willing to serve whenever and however they are needed. That's exactly what the members of GracePointe do. During Summergize this week, I have seen people pulling the load with kids by teaching, making sandwiches, cleaning up spills, running video, singing, dancing, playing games and so much more. All this is just to serve kids so they can see the Saviour.

This kind of service makes Summergize rock, GracePointe grow and God look great!!

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