You probably seen the Buffalo Bills Steven Johnson tweet after dropping the game winning touchdown pass against the Pittsburgh Steelers. If not, here it is....
If God tweeted, what would He tweet back????
It might sound like this...
Maybe that's God's response.
"So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God."
1 Corinthians 10:31
Monday, November 29, 2010
Thursday, July 29, 2010
Too Much
I am often overwhelmed by the amount of stuff I need to pray for and it tempts me not to pray.
If you are like me you have a prayer list that is a mile long. Just the sheer volume of it is discouraging. Time and energy seem to evaporate. But I know that I must overcome the temptation to bypass praying by praying. This is why prayer is a discipline of the faith.
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
A Battle
#3 - There is always someone or something that will try to keep me from praying. I have discovered that my flesh, this world and Satanic forces are working to keep me from praying. The activity of prayer has to be one of the greatest battlefields in the mind of the believer.
Prayer is essential to God's work that's why I think it is opposed so greatly.
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
One of the things I have learned about prayer is that I have never regretted the time I have spent praying, but I do regret the times I have not prayed. When I look back over my life I know that I should have prayed more.
I never have prayed and thought well that was a big waste of time. It is just good and right to pray.
May we all pray more...
Monday, July 26, 2010
30 in 30
I have been sharing the 30 things I have learned about pray in 30 years with GracePointe at Wednesday night Bible Study. So, I will share them with all (or both) of my blog followers.
Lesson #1 - Study the prayers of the Bible to learn how to pray.
The best way to learn to pray is to look at how people prayed in the Bible. I have gained a great education in prayer by studying how Nehemiah, Moses, Daniel and Jesus prayed.
Monday, July 19, 2010
Confession of Prayer
3 Things I Confess I Need to Do More
Confession needs to lead to action.
- Pray more.
- Pray more for others.
- Pray more with others.
Confession needs to lead to action.
Monday, May 17, 2010
This past Sunday I spoke from Proverbs 29:11 which says, "The fool gives fool vent to his anger, but the wise man keeps himself under control." Solomon observes that both the wise man and the fool get angry. But the way the handle their anger is different. The impulsive fool is controlled by his anger. The wise guy controls his anger.
Passion is good. But passion out of control is dangerous. Moses was passionate for justice, but his strength became his weakness. It is recorded in three episodes of his life where his anger got the best of him. He killed an Egyptian taskmaster. He broke the Ten Commandments. He struck the rock twice when he was only to speak to the rock to bring out water for the people. His anger cost him years of service, respect and the opportunity to enter Canaan.
The wise man considers the cost before his temper is lost.
Thursday, May 6, 2010
Great Advice
A mentor of mine once told me, "Work on your heart everything else is cosmetic." I found this to be wonderful advice for living.
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
Follow and Following
I started "tweeting" on twitter last week. It's weird in that you are trying to get people to follow you. You also start following other people. We actually follow and are followed at the same time. That's kinda strange.
Jesus would have called us to follow Him. But He would not be following us.
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
O T Character
I was thinking about which Old Testament character would be cool to hang out with for a day. It's a more difficult choice than I had originally anticipated it would be. I think I would choose King Solomon. He fascinates me. I mean how cool would it be to hang out with a guy who was the wisest man to ever live. He knew something about just about everything so you could talk with him about anything.
I think I would ask him...
- Why all the women?
- What was it like having King David as a father?
- What's more difficult to handle success or failure?
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Someone from History
Yesterday, I posted on who I would love to hang out with for a day that is famous right now in our world. Today, I am thinking about one person in history that I would love to chill with for 24 hours. I have a lot of people that come to mind. So, I am going to limit the boundaries who I can pick to spend a day with to someone who is historical, but not found in the Bible. I will get to the Bible guys tomorrow.
I think I would like to spend a day with Robert E. Lee. I read a biography on him last year and was amazed at this guy. I think he was a fascinating person. I would love to talk to him about politics and his faith in Jesus. I would like to know how difficult it was for him to fight against the Union. It must have been an incredible burden to be a General that sent young men into battle knowing that many of them would die. That kind of burden for any man must be terribly difficult to handle.
What about you? What non-biblical historical figure would you like to get to know in person? And why?
One other thing about yesterdays blog on spending time with Mark Richt. I have not been feeling to well and slept much of the day. I have some kind chest and sinus respitory infection. I went to sleep and actually dreamed about hanging out with Mark Richt. It was kinda strange, but cool. I guess later tonight I will be standing on some battlefield with R. E. Lee, at least in my dreams.
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
What Famous Person of Today?
If you were given the honor of spending a day with one famous person that is still alive who would you choose?
I was thinking about this question on the way to work this morning. I had a bunch of people to cross my mind, but I think I would choose to spend a day with Mark Richt, the head football coach of the Georgia Bulldogs. I would think he would have some great stories to tell about football as head coach and as a player. I would love to hear about what he's learned about leadership over the years. Most of all, I would love hearing about how he integrates his faith in Jesus with life and coaching. He seems like he be a laid back cat that would be good just to chill with over dinner.
Who would you choose and why? I would love to hear from you.
Thursday, January 21, 2010
Completing the Work
It's been quite some time since I last blogged. I am sure both of my followers have been discouraged. But it is a new year so I need to get on the ball here and do some thought sharing.
Life is about glorifying God. If I am going to glorify Him then what must I do. I found this clue last week in John 17:4 where Jesus said these words in His prayer, "I have brought you (Father God) glory on earth by completing the work you gave me to do.".
So, one observation is that if I am to glorify God on earth then I will complete the work He has given me to do. I will do the job He has set before me.
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