Monday, May 17, 2010


This past Sunday I spoke from Proverbs 29:11 which says, "The fool gives fool vent to his anger, but the wise man keeps himself under control." Solomon observes that both the wise man and the fool get angry. But the way the handle their anger is different. The impulsive fool is controlled by his anger. The wise guy controls his anger.

Passion is good. But passion out of control is dangerous. Moses was passionate for justice, but his strength became his weakness. It is recorded in three episodes of his life where his anger got the best of him. He killed an Egyptian taskmaster. He broke the Ten Commandments. He struck the rock twice when he was only to speak to the rock to bring out water for the people. His anger cost him years of service, respect and the opportunity to enter Canaan.

The wise man considers the cost before his temper is lost.

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