Thursday, December 27, 2007

I Am Legend

I went to see "I am Legend" over the Christmas break. I thought it was a pretty good movie. It was not one that I will put in my "Dude Collection", but it was still interesting and good.( If you are planning to see it don't read any farther because I will give the ending away.) The interesting part was that the main character Will Smith gives his life to save the world from a deadly virus that has attacked man making them less than human. I haven't researched the author of this book, but what strikes me about the story is it's similarity to the Gospel. The world is perishing. Someone must die to save it. This is the essence of the gospel. The world rejects it, but on the other hand it is right under their nose. The world longs for salvation, and you can see and hear it in the movies produced in Hollywood.

What other movies can you think of that have the essence of the gospel in it's plot?

Thursday, December 13, 2007


Proverbs 1:20-33 is a great test on why we need wisdom in our life and what happens when we reject her. I think there are two indicators of a wiseguy or wisegal from this passage. Lovers of wisdom seem to embrace correction and seek counsel.

Most people are not open to correction. It may be that they cannot bear the thought of being wrong or making a mistake. But I have found that the wisest people that I know are always looking to improve. They embrace the correction of a trusted friend. It's never fun, but is always highly profitable.

Seeking counsel is a wise thing. Correction comes after the mistake has been made. Some of us have an affinity for learning the hard way. But the wise man or woman understands that you can get ahead of the game by pursuing advice beforehand. How much pain and regret could be erased from my life if I would have sought godly wisdom.

Counsel and correction are not the only indicators of wisdom, but our desire for them does say a lot about the direction of our life.

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

When A Tree Falls

I was thinking about my post from last week. I have less than 2.3 readers. I have one faithful reader. My good friend Kevin Ingram. know that old saying that asks "When a tree falls in the forest and no one is there, does it make a sound?" I was thinking about this...When a blogger blogs and no one reads it, does it have meaning?

What do you think?


Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Anybody Checking This

I have been slack in posting. I was wondering if anybody is checking this thing. If you are give me a post. Right now, I think I may have about 2.3 readers in United States.

How many of you listen to podcasts?
