Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Envy the Assassin

Envy like pride and anger desires to take you down. The jealous heart is developed by comparing ourselves to others. We want their possessions, power, positions and prosperity. It hurts to come to grips with the fact that we lack. We discover we are not all that we think we should be or have what we think we should have.

Jealousy and envy can break down the support system of our life (Proverbs 14:30). When the Apostle Paul writes to the Romans, he says that we should rejoice with those who rejoice. (Romans 12:15) Rejoicing with others who have what we want is a lifeguard for us. It keeps us from being in bondage to resentment and discontentment.

Who can you congratulate today to guard your life from jealousy?

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Anger the Assassin

Anger has taken men and women down throughout history. It is a fact of life because we live in a broken and sinful world. The Bible assumes that you and I will get angry. (The Apostle Paul says, "In your anger do not sin,". Ephesians 4:26)

What you do when you get angry is important. You and I will make a decision when we get angry. Will we choose to sin or to be holy? Today if we find ourselves angry, let's be careful. Sin is crouching at the door ready to pounce if we don't control our anger.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Pride the Assassin

Pride is an assassin. It seeks to build us up so that it can take us down. Everything that goes up must come down, right? The tricky thing about pride is that we can be blind to it. Pride is easy to see in others, but often very difficult to see in ourselves.

God has given us a bodyguard against pride, arrogance and vanity. Humility acts as protector of our soul. It causes us to see ourselves rightly, not just lowly. This why God tells us in James 4:10 to humble ourselves.

Be on guard today with humility.