Monday, May 12, 2008

What Does This Say?

I was reading "The Christian Index" this morning. I came across an article that announced the candidacy of Johnny Hunt for the new President of the Southern Baptist Convention. The one paragraph that was weird to me was this...

"In the 21 years of Hunt’s pastorate church membership has increased from 1,027 to more than 16,800. Current average church worship attendance is 6,800."

What does this mean? Is this good? For me, this is frightening. How can a church have 10,000 people absent (on average) in worship if they truly are members of the church? This seems extraordinarily out of whack. I am sure that this is not the only church with numbers like this. I am not saying everyone will be there every Sunday, but this gap is huge and seems to be growing in American churches.

Maybe it's just me, but I don't think this is glorifying Christ.

Tuesday, May 6, 2008


Whether is the next word that we want to look at in 1 Corinthians 10:31. Whether says that in any case, such as eating or drinking, that our primary goal is to glorify God. No matter what the circumstances, good or bad, we are to glorify God. Whatever the day unfolds, sunshine or cloudy skies, we are to glorify God.

Whether functions to let us know that everything we do should be subordinate to the this one thing: glorifying God. So, if you decide to munch down on a Snickers bar or gulp down some Diet Mountain Dew you should do it in a way that points to God's heaviness in your life.

The question is then, "How do I eat a Snickers bar for the glory of God?"

1. I can eat it and enjoy it.
2. I can eat it and thank God who provided it for me.
3. I can eat it and thank God for those who were creative in making it.
4. I can eat it and share it with those around me.

Whether just means whatever the case may be I need to do for God's glory and not my own.

Thursday, May 1, 2008


I don't know if you have ever done a one word Bible Study, but it can be a very fruitful exercise. I thought I would do one on my blog and you (all 2.5 of you) can chime in as well.

The first word in 1 Corinthians 10:31 is "So". It means to do something properly and purposefully. Paul has been telling the believers at Corinth how to deal with debatable issues and how to fellowship with both believers and unbelievers. He gives this guiding principle for how to navigate relationships and difficulties.

So in this case means that I should do like Paul says. I should eat and drink on purpose. And what is my purpose...It is to glorify God. I do that by giving thought to how eat and interact with people SO that I display God's greatness in all things, even mundane everyday stuff like eating.